Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cheek to Cheek

After watching John Bohannon's TedTalks presentation last week, I wanted to take a moment to find some of the other entries in the Dance Your PhD series. After a quick search through YouTube, I found some old friends of mine!

Sommer Gentry and Dorry Segev demonstrating haptic communication
Audio removed for legal reasons.

Last Thursday I taught the Shim Sham and then did a demonstration of how "Eyes Up!" works within a dance. The video above works on what I believe to be the opposing principle. I've long been a fan of dancing blind. I actually love dancing with both my and my partner's eyes closed. Don't do that nearly enough.

I don't have time to consider how these opposing principles complement each other, but hopefully it will suffice to say that I think they do.

Here's the Ted Talks with Dance Your PHD founder John Bohannon

Gorgeous and nerdy at the same time!