Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shim Sham Shimmy

There are many examples of the Shim Sham Shimmy, but here's one that is close to my heart, the dance is about 5 and a half minutes into the clip:

This was the performance for which I learned the Shim Sham so many years ago. We performed with the late Leonard Reed, the inventor of the dance, at the Orpheum theatre in Downtown Los Angeles. So there while there are endless Shim Shams worth learning, this is the one that we'll be working on in class. Please don't use my fledling style as an example. For inspiration, check out Leonard, Rusty Frank or Chester Whitmore, all three of whom led the charge that night!

And also thanks to Maxwell DeMille and Tracy Blue for inviting me to perform! I wouldn't have been there without you.

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